Thursday, 26 July 2007

Team McCann - The Silence Of The Wolves, And The McCannonisation Of The Teflon Two

The grieving parents of Madeleine McCann

It is not my intention to tread what is already a well travelled path in detailing the failings, (whether real, or perceived) of Gerry and Kate McCann, and the circumstances leading up to the occasion of their daughter's disappearance.

Suffice to state that, in spite of the best efforts of both the Teflon Two, and their team of keyboard chimps, every man-jack and woman-jill with whom I have discussed this matter - regardless of their political leaning, religious persuasion, creed or social status - have all been in total agreement.

And that is, that the McCanns were not at worst naive; at best, they were criminally negligent, and at worst, one or both of them, it is widely rumoured, played an active role in the child's disappearance or demise.

No, there are already
Forums, Blogs and Articles "out there" and "online" pouring scorn on this pair of self-serving, manipulative, irresponsible, deluded, feckless, and fundamentally dishonest fools.

So, rather than use this post as an opportunity to "bash the McCanns", I will instead, focus on the failings of the sheep in wolves' clothing - the Great British Press.

Despite all of the obvious and well documented
lies and inconsistencies
spouted by Saint Gerry and Lady Kate, for some unaccountable reason, the normally wolverine British presspack - together with the loathsome barons who hire and fire them - present these greedy, grasping pariahs not only as model parents but are touting them to become Pan-European or maybe - Global - Ambassadors specialising in child welfare?

It is not as if any Previously Reported Cases of Child Abandonment have resulted in Plaudits for the Parents; the Great British Public know they are being jerked off by the MSM, the MSM know we know it, and we know they know we know it, yet this charade, this "Pact of Silence" on the part of British TV and newspapers persists.

So much for the rump of the MSM.

The flanks - taking as an example the Leicester Mercury, (which was The Teflon Two's local rag back in the days when they were a couple of unremarkable "medical professionals" in suburban nowhere) - are no better.

The political non-entity, that is
Phil Dilks - ex-journalist, and now Labour Shadow Portfolio Holder for Education, and member of Lincolnshire Police Authority has Previous Form himself In The Child Abandonment Stakes - and he finds it reasonable that the (in his own words) "highly respected" Leicester Mercury see fit to block any comment whatsoever in its reporting on the McCanns.

Nick Carter, editor of the Beano Leicester Mercury writes:

"We encourage feedback to our website, but we have to monitor what is said to make sure people are not posting comments that might be libelous, breach the law in any way or cause gratuitous offence."

"A tiny minority of people seem to want to say nasty, spiteful and defamatory things about the McCann family."

"They are bombarding our site, and we had no choice but to block comment entirely on reports about the family."

So, Mr Carter is now allowing a "tiny minority" to dictate editorial policy?

If the Mercury truly is subject to a "bombardment" of "nasty, spiteful or defamatory" postings from this "tiny minority", why the sledgehammer to crack a nut approach, when selective blocking of the source IP's would remedy any issues?

Truth is, ever since this charade began, The Mercury have been entirely selective in terms of those posts which pass the gatekeeper and those that do not. Only the most lachrymose, simpering, self-absorbed and sympathetic of posts have ever been published, while for weeks, it has been systematically declining to print, or exhibit, any comment that is even mildly critical, or questioning the actions or integrity of the Teflon Two.

With the advent of its new! improved! 2007! exercise in book-burning, the Mercury commands zero respect, and earns less still.

Far from being "highly respected", Mr Dilks, The Mercury is a mere dead-tree provincial fish-wrapper; a cankerous pile on the anus that is the Daily Mail and General Trust Group.

Why does no arm of the British MSM have the courage, resource or resolve to pose the tough questions to these ex-doctors?

Answers on a postcard please, to:

Phil Dilks Esq
c/o Nick Carter
Leicester Mercury
Daily Mail & General Trust PLC
Freemasons Arms
Viscount Way
Bohemian Grove


Anonymous said...

fantastic blog Elmer. Give us more.

Elmer Quigley Gooseburger said...

Many thanks for your support John.

I am working on it...

Anonymous said...

Hi Elmer

Just don't do the Shoutbox wotsit, it gets spammed.

The grieving McCann's.. what can I say? I've seen more photo's of them smiling than looking like they've lot a child. Unreal people.

Anonymous said...

Gerry McCann, a spokesman for Gerry McCann

Love it!

Elmer Quigley Gooseburger said...

Many thanks JK - that phrase sort of sums him up for me....

Unknown said...

Powerful writing Elmer. Eloquently put.

Elmer Quigley Gooseburger said...

Hello Tanglewood

Comments such as yours are anything but unhelpful and hurtful.

Thank you for your kind words.