Sunday 9 September 2007

The Pope Is A Hypocritical Twat

His Popiness the Pope, Benedict XVI has today appealed for "renewed respect for Sundays".

"Give the soul its Sunday, give Sunday its soul.... leisure time is certainly something good and necessary, especially amid the mad rush of the modern world...."

What a load of hypocritical bollocks.

If he really meant it, he wouldn't have been out there grafting this morning would he? He'd have done the same as me, laid-in until two 'o clock this afternoon, then necked a dozen Stellas down the pub.

Senile twat.

Afterthought: does that mustachioed, suspicious looking character in the picture have something unusual growing out of the end of his conk? And is he trying to stick it somewhere he shouldn't?


Anonymous said...

You will incur the wrath of G*d for this unrighteousness.

Unknown said...

If you only knew the lengths to which the Catholic Church has gone to keep their 'hold' on the masses. I suggest you either purchase or check out from your local library, Barbara Tuchman's books "The March of Folly" and "The Distant Mirror", Abram Leon Sachar's "A History of the Jews" and lastly, anything by Normal Cantor which deals with the middle ages.
These non-fiction works will give you enough material to last for months.

Elmer Quigley Gooseburger said...


Thank you for the heads up on that; 'though your recommendations do sound a bit like "heavy" reading...while an intellectual lightweight like myself struggles with the intricasies of a Jackie Collin's or a Stephen King.

Nevertheless, I shall plump for Western Civilization: Its Genesis and Destiny by Cantor, and publish a review, if I find myself with half a year spare... :-)