Friday 7 September 2007

Well What Do You Know?

Now there's a fucking surprise.

The total cnuts even tried to sneak this one out under the radar of the ongoing McCann developments.



Anonymous said...

Excellent news, Mr. Gooseburger, our security officers have much better things to do with their time than fannying around at the behest of a bunch of politically-inspired self-publicists, as exemplified by the likes of 'Rachel of North London'. Even as I write, I do not doubt that there are several intricate and potentially dangerous operations in progress which require their full-time application. I want them at work, not stuck in some court-room answering questions raised with the perfect 20/20 vision of hind-sight.

Elmer Quigley Gooseburger said...

Mr Duff

Methinks you have a point, and I stand corrected.

In any event, the conclusions drawn by any such 7/7 enquiry would doubtless be any more credible than those fed to a gullible public here, here or here.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, so, Mr. Gooseburger. I suspect that one or two mistakes might have been made prior to the 7/7 bombings. I am equally sure that lessons have been learned by the officers concerned and as there has never been a war fought without SNAFUs, I don't expect that this one will break the mould, particularly as it is likely to rage for for a generation or two.