Peering into The Mirror this afternoon (as one does) and I see a number of comments alleging that The Whining Midget™ and Skeletor's™ local rag, the Leicester Mercury are up to their old tricks of burning the books, 21st Century style; deleting any comment they deem "negative" to the McCanns.
So of course I thought I would give it a whirl, just to see what gives: (click on image to expand and note the time 15:14)
I then went to boil an egg - runny side up - but sneaked back and refreshed the web page, oh, no more than two minutes later, and saw this:
Goose no more!
Further proof, if any were needed, that The Mercury remains a mere dead-tree provincial fish-wrapper; a cankerous pile on the anus that is the Daily Mail and General Trust Group, and with an editorial policy which would have made Goebbels proud.
Enough to make me call the editor of the Mercury, Nick Carter, a c**t, except I have made a promise of no more swearing on the blog....
I shall take out a subscription first thing in the morning. Excellent fella' that Nick Carter, good sense and good taste!
Anonymous above is me - the inimitable Sir HM. Well known to muzbots throughout the world. Destined to die a full head shorter than he is now.
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