Was made as an indirect consequence of what was possibly the least funny joke of last week, when, the comedic non-entity that is Harry Enfield made some wisecrack about encouraging his slave to "mount" a Filipino maid.
Had the maid in question been wearing a burka - or sporting dreadlocks - any "outcry" would have been all too predictable. Against the odds, it seems even the Firipinos are now all too ready to take offence at bugger all.
Not only has an online petition - protesting at the "disgraceful, gutter humour" - been established by something calling itself the "Philippine Foundation" - but back in the Filipinoland, their Foreign Secretary, one Alberto Romulo, has called in the British Ambassador, Peter Beckingham, no less, to "discuss" the broadcast.
Beckingham is quoted by the BBC as advising the Filipino Foreign Secretary that the BBC had
"editorial independence... the views expressed and portrayed by the network were "completely independent" from the government"...
Hahahahaha! A real off-the cuff classic!
Footnote: (should any po-faced Filipinos stop by this sorry excuse for a blog....)
A teenage girl (Bisaya of course) is walking down the road and meets an Amerikano.
Amerikano: Hi, young lady!
Girl: Hayang? OK.
Amerikano: Wha' happened?
Girl: Aa, wai hapin-hapin!
Now go stick that in your fucking petition, you humourless, slitty eyed fucks.
Update! It would seem that even that journalistic collossus, wannabe child-molester and self-acclaimed bien-pensant Mike Hitchen has a (cut 'n paste) take on matters Filipino....
Seriously...a petition against Enfield over one of his sketches? That is hysterical, it really is.
well this is some weird stuff
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