With apologies to Peter, Paul and Mary...
There's so many times we've let you down
So many times we've played around
We tell you now, they never meant a thing
We're leaving, on a jet plane
Fuck you, we won't be back again...
A mish-mash of views on the contempt bestowed by the great and the good on the great unwashed...and other things.
Alas and alack, Mr. Gooseburger, but I am forced to admonish you once again.
First, for allowing yourself, in a post down below, to link to a miserable excuse for a man who, if there was any justice in this benighted land, should have been hung by the neck years ago until he was as dead as the poor old lady he bashed to death with the blunt end of an axe.
Secondly, for accusing a mother and father of the most heinous of crimes, the killing of a baby daughter, on the basis of absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Should you doubt the lack of evidence, simply ask yourself if even that hapless bunch of Portugese 'Insp. Clouseaus' would have allowed the McCanns to leave Portugal if they had anything that would not have been laughed out of court?
There was a time when calumny was rightly considered a vile and disgusting act only perpetrated by spiteful cowards. Beware, Mr. Gooseburger, that the same fate does not befall you! Confidentially, and just between ourselves, I have it on very good authority that, on the basis of a simple spelling mistake in your surname, you are in fact the perpetrator of a particularly beastial act with a rather plump, white, aquatic fowl. Please don't attempt to deny it, there was a white feather in your car!
Alas and alack, Mr. Gooseburger, but I am forced to admonish you once again.
First, for allowing yourself, in a post down below, to link to a miserable excuse for a man...
Scrivens, Mr Duff, I got only that far and assumed you were referring to that shyster Teabag!
Jailhouse Lawyer, meanwhile, while clearly not be everyone's cup of tea, has at least - unlike certain persons - faced the music for his crime(s), and been subject to the full majesty of the law.
And notwithstanding his history,surely you Mr Duff would concur that a person's morals and intellectual vigour are mutually exclusive?
JHL, IMHO, has the same rights as you, I and everyone else to engage in public discourse.
I will now, Mr Duff, take you to task.
Where pray, have I accused any mother and / or father of the heinous crime of infanticide?
Eh? Eh?
If you are referring, as I suspect, to the Medias' pet McScamsters, I would accuse them of no more (at this time) than child-neglect.
Finally, in terms of my own sexual proclivities, I deny nothing.
Indeed I am rather proud that it was once said of me (and here I quote an unnamed source).
I would not say that Gooseburger is
depraved but...
If it moves, he will fuck it.
And if it doesn't move, he will fuck it until it does....
White feather, indeed...
I was hoping for better from you, Mr. Gooseburger; at least that murderer, to whom you refer so admiringly, comes straight out with it where-as you appear to be in the role of volunteering to hold men's coats whilst the fight goes on - a less than heroic stance, if I may say so.
However, if you feel that a neutral reader of your several posts on the subject of the McCanns would *fail* to come to the conclusion that you believed them to be a pair of child-murdering scum, then I would be amused to read your support for such an argument.
Perhaps I should add that I have no fact-based knowledge as to whether the McCanns are guilty or not but in the absence of any *compelling* evidence to the contrary, I assume them to be totally innocent. I would advise you to take the same course and leave the shit-raking to the likes of JHL who is emminently fit for that purpose.
As for Dr. 'Teabag', he is, of course, a gentleman and scholar of the first order whilst managing, simultaneously, to be a more or less complete dipstick!
Mr Duff
Thank you for your most recent communication.
Please do not misinterpret my readiness to quote, or refer to JHL as "admiration"; merely an acknowledgement that his own history and / or values should be no barrier to the validity of his philosophies.
Otherwise, where to draw the line?
Should one, for example, contend that the views of Iain Dale are unworthy merely on the basis of his rampant homosexuality (which is still a capital crime in many countries)?
Moving on, I do not believe that the McCanns are a "pair" of child murdering scum.
Not at all; I merely suspect that *one* of them did it.
I do however, hold them - both of them - in the utmost contempt for their selfishness and negligence, and for the lies they have told in this sorry affair.
Yours in cowardice
Ooooooooooohhh no Elmer, you musn't ever speculate about the McCanns. Ever. Oh look, the Politcal Correctness Police's Agent Duff just came a knocking!
But the Portugese Police? Yeah, fine to speculate about that! They must be shit because it stands to reason, dunnit?
Well, Mr. Gooseburger, there are suspicions and suspicions. What usually differentiates them in quality is some form of evidence. Perhaps you might care to elucidate.
As to your point concerning JHL and the, er, "validity of his philosophies", I suppose I must grant that, say for example, Heinrich Himmler just might have had something useful to say on the philosophy of nationalism, but somehow I doubt it and personally I can't help feeling that the happiness of the world increased fractionally when he died. A somewhat analogous thought occurs to me on the very infrequent moments when I contemplate a man who slaughtered an old woman because she had "nagged" him. But over-sensitivity has always been my weakness!
Mr Duff
Thank you for your most recent diatribe.
I will take this opportunity to outline (though not elucidate upon) two further suspicions that I currently hold, to wit:
1) The day when I write something - anything - of substance here will be deeply sad one for you and I, and anyone, who feels.
2) The very day that the post does flourish into a bitter-sweet assessment of the evidence and events leading to the demise of that poor, tiny victim, you will then concur that you were misguided, or at worst, naive.
Until that day dawns – be it this week, next month, next year, or beyond, the post in question will remain a sad and barren place; an empty vessel, alone and unloved.
With regard to the evidence that you crave, might I suggest that there is (assuming, of course, that you are not a policeman based on the Algarve?) no better place to begin looking than here.
It is, potentially, something of an eye-opener…
That aside, it is not my intention to be drawn into any further debate with you regarding the merits (or otherwise) of JHL, though I would confess to a small degree of sympathy for Himmler, who was, I understand, only obeying orders…?
"Diatribe", Mr. Gooseburger? If you think that was a diatribe then, to quote the words of a very fine president, "You ain't seen nothin' yet".
Anyway, in the absence of any compelling evidence to substantiate your claim that one of the McCann's is "a murdering scum" I can only assume that you have fallen victim to that habit with which we all suffer from time to time, and that my old mother described so succinctly as, "opening your mouth and letting your belly rumble". Normally, of course, this is confined to opinions on such subjects as, say, the current midfield of Manchester United, but when it occurs in the context of an accusation of infanticide it is usually wise, not to say, decent, to hold your opinion to yourself until definitive proof is available.
Speaking of which, were the car which the McCann's hired after the girl's disappearance *not* to contain DNA traces of Madeleine, then I would be suspicious!
Let me make my position clear. In any murder case the close family and friends are always suspect for the obvious reason that they have both opportunity and means and possibly motive. To take it any further requires compelling evidence of which I have seen no sign as yet.
Riiiiiiiiiight, let's get this straight!
The McCanns are innocent until proven guilty and we should not speculate, not ever ever ever!!!!!!
Wheras JHL who has also not been proven guilty should have been hung by the neck long ago because that jumped-up little hitler Mein Fuhrer Duff says so.
I always hesitate before engaging with some one who lacks the wit to even invent a 'nom-de-keyboard'. There's something about the title "anonymous" that gives me the creeps, probably my suspicion that the writer is exactly that.
In a probably futile attempt to come to an intelligent conclusion with this particular 'anon', let me make clear that so long as no evidence is available it is quite proper to remain suspicious of *everyone* in the family and friends circle. That falls a long way short of the sort of outright accusations based on nil evidence pursued by JHL.
Talking of whom, and I would rather not, he was in fact found guilty of murder and did 25 years for it which, in my opinion, was approximately 24 years and six months too long because he should have been taken out and hung as quickly as possible.
From 'The Groan':
"According to evidence presented at the trial in February 1980, Hirst appeared almost impervious to the shock of what he had done. He said that Mrs Burton hadn't liked him going out and that she nagged him constantly. "She just kept on at me," he said. On the night he was arrested, a police officer remembered asking Hirst in his cell if he felt any remorse. "No, it is part of life," he said. "It is all in the past and I can forget it now. I bet she had got a bit of a headache." [Oh he's a wag, isn't he?]
"At the trial, he pleaded not guilty to murder but guilty to manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility."
"In the end, the prosecution at Reading Crown Court accepted Hirst's plea of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility and he got 15 years. "I have no doubt you are an arrogant and dangerous person with a severe personality defect," said Mr Justice Purchis. "Unfortunately, this is not suitable for treatment in a mental hospital.""
Lazy, crafty laywers might call it manslaughter but being a somwhat old-fashioned chap I prefer language that is more exact and precise - murder!
Is it my imagination or do I detect a double 'ZZ' from our anonymous, teen-age contributor?
Blimey, who left the radiator on?
A liitle too pressed now to write anything meaningful - I have subcontracted that part of the blog to David Duff, anyway.
Anonymong, you describe Mr Duff as a "Dumb Nazi". Please, be assured that Duff is way too liberal to be considered a Nazi!
In any event, enough of your petulant "N" comments please. I do not like the word. My grandfather died at Autsvitch, you know*.
And Mr Duff my fixation on the McCanns is at least topical, de rigeur.
Your obsession with JHL indicates a tendency to cling to the past.
JHL has done his time - no less than 35 years of it, and I am puzzled that your liberal heart, which bleeds all too easily for the whining midget and Skeletor, would appear to have no mercy for a reformed sinner?
Give the guy a break please?
*He fell out of one of the Watch Towers. Yes, yes, I know it's an old one...
"*He fell out of one of the Watch Towers. Yes, yes, I know it's an old one... "
Actually I hadn't heard that one.
Also, and please forgive my ignorance, I don't understand your reference to "the whining midget and Skeletor". Who they?
As for JHL, you describe him as "a reformed sinner" but from both his site and from The Guardian interview I was unable to detect the slightest remorse and were I his 'significant other' I would be ultra careful not to nag him!
By the way, forget about 'Zit-Zit the anonymouse', he's peurile and pathetic in equal measure.
Just to piss David Duff off further I have linked back to you. Apologies for the delay, I have been rather preoccupied hounding the McCanns.
Shurely you mean:
"In recognition of your fine blog I have linked back to you...." No?
If everyone who wanted to piss off Mr Duff back-linked to me, (and I linked back to them,) my blog-roll, laid end-to-end would reach the moon. Or at least to the Tapas Bar and back again...
He he.
Thank you John, you are already in my own hall of shame as "Mr Hirst", primarily because I am an old-fashioned c***.
Though some people would argue that I am not old-fashioned.
Thank you, and now I must seek my medication...
One of my favourite films One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest and the line "Medication time" over the tannoy from Nurse Ratchett...
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