Monday, 15 October 2007

Speedcat Hollydale - The World's Second Nicest Blogger

Speedcat Hollydale - whether you love him, or hate him (and personally, I hate him*) - has set a new world record in the blogosphere, by simultaneously awarding "Blogging That Hits The Mark" status to no less than 1094 fellow bloggers.

Naturally, EQG is proud to be a recipient of this illustrious award, and wishes to convey his gratitude to Speedcat.

Moreover, I would like to thank Speedy for something else of great importance; reminding me that no matter how nutty I think I might be going, there is, out there, someone even crazier than myself.

"Thanks, Speedcat.

*And only joking".

You got to love a man like that.


Anonymous said...

Having been over to Speedys place, I can vouch he's not only crazier than you goose, but a whole lot funnier too.

Olga, the Traveling Bra said...

I fully support Speedy. He da man.