It is Monday morning, and I therefore make no apologies whatsoever for a downbeat posting.
This brief post concerns the (entirely avoidable) and looming recession depression, and how it has been engineered by the banking elite.
It's not very complicated, and nor is it, in all honesty, difficult to understand.
- Banks lend money that the banks do not own, to borrowers.
- Heck, the banks lend out money that doesn't even fucking exist to borrowers.
- They lend this non-existent money at low interest rates.
- As more money is fed into the system, its value falls.
- To counter the fall in the value of money, the price of both goods and services rise.
- In order to afford the increased cost of living, people are forced to borrow more.
- When the bankers see fit, they will hike up interest rates on all that borrowed "money".
- The bankers will also then reduce the amount of money in circulation, by reducing the amount that they lend.
- The prices of both goods and services will then fall.
- The size of the outstanding loans on all that "funny money" does not fall, however.
- Unable to service their loans and credit card bills, people are forced to turn over their property and assets to the banks.
- The bankers will pull this same scam every 10 - 15 years.
It matters not one whit whether you bank with HSBC, Lloyds, Coutts or any bank overseas, because ultimately, all of these banks are owned by the same bunch of shifty, thieving demonic bastards.
Sadly, there is fuck all we can do about it.....
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